Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement – Celtic Vapes LLC Online Magazine




Celtic Vapes LLC Online Magazine is firmly committed to ethical business practices and the eradication of modern slavery in all its forms. We recognize the importance of upholding human rights, ensuring fair labor practices, and promoting transparency and accountability within our organization and supply chains. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery and the steps we take to address this issue.

Our Policies and Practices:


Compliance with Laws:


We comply with all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to modern slavery, including the Modern Slavery Act [insert applicable jurisdiction] and other international standards. We strive to exceed legal requirements and continually enhance our practices.

Risk Assessment:


We conduct regular assessments to identify and evaluate potential risks of modern slavery within our operations, including our supply chains and business relationships. This helps us understand the vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to mitigate these risks.

Supplier Due Diligence:


We are committed to working with suppliers and partners who share our values and commitment to combating modern slavery. Our due diligence process includes assessing suppliers’ policies, procedures, and practices related to human rights, labor standards, and fair employment.

Supplier Code of Conduct:


We have developed a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations regarding ethical practices, human rights, and labor standards. We communicate these expectations to our suppliers and seek their commitment to align with these principles.

Employee Awareness and Training:


We provide regular training and awareness programs to our employees to enhance their understanding of modern slavery, its various forms, and indicators. We empower our employees to identify potential risks and report any concerns or suspicions.

Reporting Mechanisms:


We maintain a confidential reporting mechanism that enables employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to raise concerns or report instances of potential modern slavery. We ensure that these reports are thoroughly investigated and appropriate action is taken.

Continuous Improvement:


We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly review our policies, practices, and procedures to ensure their effectiveness and relevance. We actively seek feedback from stakeholders and engage in dialogue with industry peers to drive positive change. 

Review and Publication:


This Modern Slavery Statement is reviewed annually by our management team to ensure its currency and effectiveness. We are committed to making this statement publicly available on our website and to sharing our progress in combating modern slavery with our stakeholders.



Celtic Vapes LLC Online Magazine is dedicated to promoting human rights, fair labor practices, and ethical conduct throughout our operations and supply chains. We recognize that eradicating modern slavery requires collective action and ongoing commitment. Through our policies, due diligence processes, employee training, and collaborative efforts, we are committed to preventing modern slavery and contributing to a world free from exploitation.

For further information or to report any concerns related to modern slavery.


Celtic Vapes LLC Online Magazine

Date: 20 june 2023